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4-Star Hotel Around 02693
(02693 Corral-Rubio, Albacete, Spain)
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List of 4-Star Hotels near
02693 Corral-Rubio, Albacete, Spain.
Hotel Blu
29.66 km
from 02693
This modern 4-star hotel combines the warmth of its services with a unique, stylish architecture and interior design.
Address: Avenida de Ayora, 35, Almansa
Rates from:
EUR 66
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Parador de Albacete
39.47 km
from 02693
Located in the plains of La Mancha, this Parador provides you with pretty gardens and a swimming pool as well as an ideal setting for enjoying outdoor activities.
Address: C.N. 301, Km. 251, Albacete
Rates from:
EUR 65
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